Looking Ahead of Dorian

Looking Ahead of Dorian

Above: Jetty Captain Randy Townsend by Dan Przygocki

We saw so many tubes from Dorian in what some are calling the best hurricane-based swell Long Beach Island (NJ) has seen in 10 years, but at what cost?  Amongst the rampant stoke from last Saturday, we're being asked by our fans what they can do to support the Bahamas.  We have a great list of current charitable initiatives (below), so if you are interested in helping our fellow Bahamians recover, then we are suggesting the following two avenues for donations.  Both W4W and Team Rubicon are trusted nonprofits with boots on the ground!

Waves for Water - Bahamas Hurricane Disaster Response

Team Rubicon - Hurricane Dorian Relief

Here are a few of our ongoing and upcoming charitable initiatives:

Pat Harrington - Ptrong 

The Pstrong.net mini-store is now open and our 2019 13th Annual Clam Jam is being held in honor of Pat.

Tim's Tribe - Back-to-School Initiative

Our community lost a guy heavily committed to our Future Leaders.  A drive and event has raised in excess of 30K which will fund back-to-school shopping on 9/17 for 50+ students in need.

10th Annual Community Bridge Walk

The long-standing Bridge Walk supports scholarships and donations to (5) area schools.

LBT Shellabration

Our next event (10/12) supporting our Oyster Recycling Program.